Friday, April 20, 2007

Maybe I need to learn to swim

Well, according to almost every scientific organization known to the planet, I really need to learn how to swim. CNN article on global sea level rise or go here USGS and click on the map for animation. Yeah, the map is a little small, but you get the point. The bad news is that most of Louisiana will be gone, but on the upside there'll be alot of waterfront land. By the end of century, levees will probably be a moot issue. I guess the alpaca ranch will have to be in the mountains after all.


At 2:10 PM, Blogger A. said...

you can't swim?! I never knew that.

Alpacas like mountains.

At 9:58 AM, Blogger Loren said...

Okay, regarding me and swimming...I'll never drown. I'm very bouyant. ;P However, I have this fear of drowning. I can do a bit of a back stroke, and some other stuff my cousin taught me, but I will not put my face in water, I will have a panic attack.

And yes, alpacas are a mountain people. It seems to me that mountains, and cool temperatures will bring a better quailty of fiber.


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