Milque Toast and the Convention
Incoming Transmission from the hedgehog:
Well, Jimmy is old..... Teddy is old.... However, neither looked fraile - and that is important Jimmy was giddy! I was watching on PBS, and they talked to him not to long after he spoke, and he didn't act old! He was a more dignified version on tom cruise on oprah. It was cute.
And Teddy.... isn't he doing chemo? He looked "medication induced" puffy, instead of alcohol indused puff. But, he was the first person to work up enough emotion to pound his fist on the podium. I am worried though, did you see the way Caroline and Maria kept crying? They bothed look mournful. He wasn't supposed to speak... just show up and wave.... Like that was really going to happen. The idea of government with a Kennedy just doens't seem real to me.
I liked Hillary. She looked radiant, she did not look like a has-been, or someone crushed because they had been thrown over. She didn't look like she was grudginly doing what she had to for "the good of the Party". I think her speech was great, and I think she said 98% of what she needed to. I liked the "was it me or the message" tact to shame some of the stubborn. And the thing is, there isn't a huge gulf of difference between her and Obama. In fact I was torn between the 2, and I still am. Honestly, I would have liked to see her on the ticket..... However, I see a more important role for her...... Like I saidTeddy is old - and we've been reminded that he is mortal.... I don't know how much longer we will have him. I can't really think of anyone, except Hillary, who could carry his standard. I can understand why she wouldnt the runner up (or first loser's) position. I woudln't want to be Lady in Waiting....... If she's not going to be president, I'd rather keep her in the Senate, where she can legislate, and protect us.
I did think Bill tearing up when she came out on stage was real.... I don't think he was play acting for effect. If it was fake, the well done to him.
Anywho, over all, -- speechwise -- They've been okay - what I have seen of it -, but nothing special for the most part. Rather sedate, bland, and ...well... white, for the most part. There have been exceptions: Hillary, Gov. Patrick of Mass., The lady from Alabama who had lost the equal pay case in the Supreme Court, the lady from NC, Teddy of course....I missed most of MIchelle Obama's I'm sorry to say. Oh, the lady's from Alabama and NC, I put on the list because they were not public speakers and did pretty damn well for being stuck out there in front of a couple of thousand people.... The Alabama lady wanted to let rip on a couple of occassions, but she maintained control. But you could see it.
There's been very little passion on stage. Most everything has been carefully homogenenized. It doesn't work for me. I'm disappointed a bit... but not becasue of the same reasons as some of the pundits. Pundits are like academics in a way.... many of them are harping on little ommissions... little facts and details. and you know what, most of that doesn't matter to the average american. We won't remember exactly what you said, be we will remember how we felt when you said it. Did I feel empathy, did you actually seem to care, did you talk down to me, did you give me hope.... did you inspire me.... That's what will last in a person's mind.... If you create a positive perception your opponents can spin it however they want too and you supporters will feel protective of you, They will feel like they are attacked if you are attacked. Kerry's handlers never allowed him to show emotion, it was Gore's downfall too..... It was Bill's strength. I don't know if the DNC has figured that out yet. The American public will not vote for a Vulcan - unless it was Spock or Sarak ;P.
I want old time southern style stumping. I want people banging on the lecture for emphasis. I want regular people up there -- uncoached regular people -- up there telling about how they are from bum-fuck mississippi and they are so poor that they had to make the choice between electricity and feeding their children. I want testimonials from surviving family members telling how their loved one died because they couldn't afford medical treatment. I want teachers there screaming at people about how hard it is to teach when you don't have funding... or books...or equipment...or supplies. I want anger, and frustration! I want heartwretching stories told by people who are sobbing.... not the occassional dainty tear.... I want mascara running, snot dripping crying.
I want people resurrecting the ghost of every dead soilder since before the Revolutionary War, and asking them if the past 8 years was worth the cost of their lives.... I want the fucking ghosts of all the founding fathers there and have them asked "When you all were risking death by rebelling against the King..... was this past eight years what you had in mind?"
I want people whipped into a frenzy! THen and only then, do you bring out those in party who can preach...... Those in the party who can channel all that mess of anger, frustration, and negativity into action. Those people, who like spiritual drill sargents, can break people down and then build them back up. Those people who can make (or atleast give the perception of) an emotional connection and common understanding with those of use who are tired of being throdden on by the jack booted, brown shirted bastards who have been draining the life's blood from us for 8 damn years. There are so few left that can do it.... Bill has it with in to do it. This is his chance at redemption -- on a huge public platform no less. He can do it. He needs to empathise... then admit party mistakes - we in-fought too much, but you do that with family - those that you care the most about, you'll fight the ugliest with - he'll have to humanize the party to the people... Then in the way that parents explain way you are being punished, he'll have to deepen the wounds - to clean the out and have the audience hit rock bottom......
Then the transformation start..... He lights a candle in the form of a story about the least of us often represents what is best in us.... The candle grows to a warm fuzzy.... He makes you believe that change can happen.... then that you could do it.... And then.... and this is the most important part, he can make you feel that you want to help, and then infuse you with the fire of righteous indignation so that you realize that it is your moral obligation to help. -- This part, I have heard him do..... I know he can. The man can work a podium.
And he had damn well better do it tonight.
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