Saturday, June 24, 2006

'Bayou Guantanamo'

Justice system struggles in New Orleans
Exposed by Katrina, long-neglected system needs expensive overhaul

"I compare it to the levees," says Stephen Singer, an assistant professor at Loyola University's School of Law. "They were always substandard but nobody realized it until the hurricane came. The same thing with the criminal justice system. It was always substandard. It was less obvious unless you were in it."

Here's the Link to the story. The judical system isn't fairing much better than law enforcement.


At 12:09 AM, Blogger RGBolen said...

"To rebuild, this tradition-minded community must come up with not only money but fresh ideas and the political will to make them a reality."

LOL! Money for courts? There aren't any private contracts in the courts. Political will? LOL!

I guess someone's brother could build some new buildings with their construction company.

Oh wait, I almost forgot it said "FREASH IDEAS" too!

At 12:29 AM, Blogger Loren said...

I know, I know.... You know, the three of us could probably write a satrical novel called "The Republic of Louisiana - the last true bananana republic on the face of the earth".


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