Thursday, July 13, 2006

Well, I guess I'll scrub the Mid-East vacation for now

To quote "Major Escelation". Here's the newest story on Israel vs Lebannon . And here's one on the UN Security council vote. Is it any wonder why the U.S. would veto it? For once, we are being consistant. We can't very well condemn them for we have, and are, doing in Iraq. Bush said that Isreal has the right to defend its borders. Again, consistency --- except for the quote from one story at cnn where Bush added that they should do stuff that would destabilize the Lebanese Government. It's a shame he wasn't that insightful a couple of years ago. But that's neither here nor there.

So, great. He we sit with Isreal determined to bomb Lebannon off the map...Lebannon has said that they don't have the resources to intervene with the Hezzbollah (and the US seconded them on that point actually)... To which Isreal seems to be saying "that's not our problem". While Syria and Iran wait on the sidelines.... sigh. Why do I have this horrible feeling that we might get a definitive answer on the question of what exactly has Iran been using the nuclear material for.

Of course, there is another senario. It's out of a bad movie though. What if North Korea decides to take this opportunity - while no one is looking - To test a missle with a payload. Kim Jong Ill is a little nuts... it doesn't seem to far outside the realm of possiblity to me.

Sigh.... I blame it on global warming. People always go crazy in the heat.


At 12:19 AM, Blogger RGBolen said...

Yep, I think the "Paris of the MidEast" is off my plans too.

At 2:23 AM, Blogger A. said...

I heard some weirdo on Air America (we have our share) reading a release from a former CIA operative from the area - I'll try to find the transcript - he basically said - for once, why don't we look at the really REALLY REALLY picture here and not just at Israel - stuff about the trust of the Iraqis and Iranians blah blah very interesting stuff.

As I said to LOren earlier - we have no clou tin this region now and basically - we, the region, and the world, are seriously fucked.


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