Thursday, December 28, 2006

Presidents...past and future

A note on the passing of President Ford... he was one of the few truely good people who has held the office in recent times. His death leaves Jimmy Carter alone carrying the banner of public service for moral good.

As for future presidents...while people are waiting and speculating on Hillary and Obama, it seems that John Edwards has offically tossed his hat in the ring today. which will muddy the waters for me if Obama runs. There is a part of me that would love Hillary to run, just to have Bill as first Husband. That would be a hoot! Somewhere, in the back of my mind, i can actually picture a Hillary-Obama ticket - and not laugh or shudder. But at any rate, I declared yhe speculation season to be open. Talley-ho!


At 4:09 PM, Blogger A. said...

Hillary gives me the willies - but better her than Condi. I like Obama, and John Edwards. The word in the Af-Am community is they don't want him to run b/c he'll die. They'd rather have him as a pressure point than a martyr.

At 3:37 PM, Blogger Loren said...

I like Obama, and edwards. I still like Gore...but I have doubts about his electability. I agree with you about Hillary, but I would still love to have Bill back in the white house in some capacity.

At 7:55 AM, Blogger A. said...

From Slate:
Mystery Pollster answers the call, delves deep into the competing methodologies of those crazily conflicting Iowa polls and discovers ... that the methodologies are pretty much the same. Which leaves him stumped along with everyone else, except for the possibility that "voters are not yet engaged in the race enough to have strong allegiances." ... kf's nominee for likeliest possible explanation (informed by an email from Iowa reader G.M.): There's a big difference between 1) asking voters if they "definitely plan" to go to the caucuses, and 2) asking voters if they actually participated in the 2004 caucuses. Lots of people say they "plan" to attend. That's normal! But those who have attended are the sort of pathetically unrepresentative hard core activi ...sorry, committed citizens who make up the tiny sliver (6%) of Iowa voters who actually show up and choose the winner. ... In this case, the merely aspirational caucusgoers pick Clinton, while the hard core goes for Obama--a result consistent with the idea that Obama is capturing those who think a lot about politics, while those who don't think as much about politics haven't yet been hit by the wave. ... P.S.: The Dem hard core would also be more anti-war, and thus anti-Clinton. ... P.P.S.: And the same strategic 'electability' worries that led the hard core geniuses to light on John Kerry in 2004 might cause them to reject Hillary now. ...


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