Monday, June 26, 2006

I guess I found who's logo we ripped off


At 12:26 AM, Blogger Loren said...

actually, here's a college one that more similar:

sorry, it won't accept image tags.

At 12:35 AM, Blogger RGBolen said...

Like I said, we'll only have it another 75 years or so and the NCAA will say we can't protray birds as being warlike.

I'm sure it's the same company peddling the graphics all over the place.

At 12:37 AM, Blogger Loren said...

it's not that bad a logo actually.... as sports teams go. It could be a hell of a lot worse. But your right. Peta will be protesting on campus soon.

At 12:38 AM, Blogger RGBolen said...

I kind of liked the ones that had gogles on the bird.


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