Friday, June 30, 2006

Let History Judge?

Bush wants history to judge his presidency. Sorry but I know the outcome of that if it is judged correctly. The failure to capture Bin Laden, everything else should be a side note for their speciality. Easy if you look at history, Linclon won the civil war, saved the Union. The constutititonal issues are a side note.


At 9:45 AM, Blogger A. said...

I don't think so - I think the constitutional issues will turn out to be of huge interest. He has pushed the presidency precariously close to the edge of totalatarianism - much more so than FDR - and he will judged for that. Bush v. Gore alone - a precedent that is not a precedent - will haunt him forever. Throw in Gitmo and the "enemy combatabt" nonsense, well, fodder for several dissertations.

At 6:38 PM, Blogger Loren said...

I think alot of stuff is going to be looked at. I do agree with Ann about the constitutional issues. This administration has show contempt for the constitution, and been allowed to get away with it. Eventually people will want to know why.

Once it's not considered treason to speak out against the current administration, the academic eviseration will begin. And it will not just be about the office holders. History isn't going to look kindly on other things too. Helen, you know - Helen the fossil from the white house press corp, identified another group that has some stuff to answer for. She said that the press failed the american people. No one asked the questions that they should have, when they should have. They were afraid of being labeled as "unamerican".

That's one of the things that will keep people interested in this. How the Bush version of McCarthy-ism manged to silence the press. That also touches on constitutional issues. That is if you believe that freedom of the press was to insure that the press would be the last check and balance to protect us from totalitarianism.

Ann's right, there is disseration fodder around every corner... American neo-imperialism, Castration of the Press, The constitituion, and whether or not the true "domestic terrorist threat" came from our own elected officals. Yep, there's alot there that's not pretty.


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