And now for something completely different
Do you remember where you were in May '91? Chances were you were wading through water, wondering why NLU hadn't cancelled classes. The NewsStar posted 3 galleries of pictures of the 1991 Flood. Click Me!
I was sandbagging down on Teakwood Drive, and filling sand bags in the parking lot of some store somewhere. Ah, the memories.... Like Dan Rather standing on the I-20 bridge over the Ouachita trying to pronounce "ouachita". I believe it came out "O - ah -chee - tah".
Old part of Town and Country Apartments my old one bedroom apartment. Got back from Jazzfest the night it started raining, noticed the water comming up around 2AM. Moved my and my mother's car to the Fina, would have been in about 4 feet of water. The National Guard took her out of the apartment in a boat. Then spent finals week in a room at Olin hall.
Yeah, I knew you a good time. We started watching the bayou that night from the dorm, because it kept rising. By daylight, the volleyball sand pit was underwater. I couldn't go home after my last final (I finished very early that semester) because all the little creeks were flooded.
I was bagging with you, Loren, and Brian was helping Daddy ferry stuff out of the house at Wham Brake.
Yeah, I remember, little hobbitess. You remember Camy with the camo wadders? As if we needed any proof of her redneckness. lol
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