Friday, August 11, 2006

Polk Salad Annie

ahhh that's what pokeweed is. I have some in the back under the pines. hmmm - maybe for supper tonight?


At 1:56 PM, Blogger Loren said...

that looks like american beauty berry.... But anyway, I believe that it is poisonious unless boiled.

At 10:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had to check, and it's actually pokeweed under our pine trees. Larger plants are more toxic. Berries make good ink but are bad to eat. Pokeweed contains all sorts of interesting toxins, if you want to know about them, but the main culprit is lectin, which clots your blood where you don't want it to be clotted...

There is a TN poke salad society:

And no, I still don't want to eat it (or chitlins).


At 5:28 PM, Blogger RGBolen said...

Now I don't blame you for not wanting to eat that shit but, chitlins! You must be out of your mind! I've eaten the pig from snout to tail, and how do you eat cornbread? You can't make cornbread without chitlins!

At 5:37 PM, Blogger RGBolen said...

I hate that you can't edit comments on this.

I meant to say after stating that I have eaten pigs from snout to tail that chitlins are probably the best part!


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